Monday 23 June 2008

"Thought Shower" (rant)

Officials have now changed the term "brain storming" which is commonly used in offices, as "to brief on your ideas." to "thought shower"


Officials are now claiming that it is offensive to those for suffer from fits. The association found in this is that ,fits can become quite violent (like a storm) and come and go ( like a storm) what causes this is activity in the brain. And there we have "brain storming" .So ok its a long run to get to that point of why it may be offensive.

The fact is that no one would find it offensive. And if they do. I think they are being a little sensitive. Even a spokesman from the association that deals with fits etc. Agrees that no one would find it offensive when being used within a office.

It basically political correctness gone too far.

We are living in a world now we are supposedly have free speech. But in this day and age. When can we really say what we mean without it either offending someone or creating some kind of uproar.

I know that banning the word Brainstorming is only a small thing. But its what underlays it, thats important. That people have to be so careful of what they say, that freedom of speech can never really exist. It can only be an illusion.

Don't these officials have anything else better to do that pick at silly little issues. Maybe the fact that our economy seems to be on the fall, while inflation rises. Living cost keeps increasing, while minimum wage still remains the same.

but maybe thats an issue for a different post ..

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